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Solar Questions QA

Solar QA

Solar QA

Most Frequent Question & Answers

  • What will it change in comparison to using a standard source of electricity? The most important benefit is that you would get energy directly from the sun. As it’s well known, the sun produces an abundance of energy and the best part is by using this energy you will reduce the negative impact that comes from the power plants and contribute to the environment.
  • What about maintenance? Solar On Grid Systems require only cleaning, we have available a cleaning Maintenance Program in addition to our OFF GIRD Systems Maintenance, where its long-term durability is directly related to how long will your batteries last. We have created a Maintenance program that will avoid having to replace batteries every 4 years and that will guarantee an extended life of your Investment. This program is different from anything you are used to, develops several activities that are performed on a monthly basis with a record and a complete monthly report which includes the performance of the system in each one of its components.
  • Solar Power will help me to reduce my electricity bill. Hybrid solar systems operate just like an on-grid solar system that will lower or eliminate your ongoing electricity costs feeding excess power production back to the electric company, however, this system has an energy storage reserve that enables homeowners to have full-power electricity anytime the utility grid goes down during a hurricane or a typical blackout, or an any given point you may change the operating mode and use the batteries at night or at periods when the utility rates are high!
  • Why should I choose you? Our growth and permanency in the market since 2009 are only due to the positive references that our clients can provide about us, our quality work, and our post-sale service. We have had natural challenges throughout this growth, but we have always been a call or email away from our clients with immediate action and solutions. We are a very responsible and formal company in which the market of Los Cabos including all the developers and the most important architects and builders have put their trust in for their projects.
  • What am I going to do if the hurricane hits the area I live? This question is very important to us and we take it seriously since Baja California Sur is the area where a category 5 hurricane can hit the ground. Thanks to the proper Engineering design of our custom-built racking system, our installations suffered no damage from the effect of the strong winds. This is hard evidence of the quality of our work and dedication.
  • Ok, this sounds good, but what if still something goes wrong and my panel gets damaged? We offer 15 years warranty on our products, so the company will take of any inconvenient situation that has occurred. However, our panels have the potential to be fully functional for even 25 years without any problem.

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